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Top Age 10 May 2017

1Guo, Arthur (14772092)10GAUSA2244
2Yoo, Christopher Woojin (15244943)10CAUSA2240
3Chasin, Nico Werner (14955471)10NYUSA2211
4Wang, Jason Yuyang (15162675)10OHUSA2209
5Tian, Eddy (15249281)10NJUSA2176
6Clasby, Derek (15194211)10NJUSA2104
7Shuman, Nathaniel Lande (14782020)10NYUSA2095
8Polavaram, Rithik Sai (14621150)10TXUSA2093
9Lu, Ming (15211462)10CAUSA2087
10Zhang, Eric M (14668426)10WAUSA2064
11Zheng, Michael Zihan (14952450)10MIUSA2037
12Zong, Davis, Jr (14980186)10NYUSA2028
13Ghazarian, Kirk (14885268)10CAUSA2023
14Vu, Leonard (15005368)10CAUSA2011
15Yu, Jason (14759436)10WAUSA1999
=15Xu, Arthur (14968896)10ILUSA1999
17Levine, Jack (15215230)10NYUSA1989
18Prem, Pranav (14835271)10VAUSA1984
19Hu, Merric (14686967)10NJUSA1979
20Mcconnell, Sullivan Mac (14696346)10COUSA1964
21Jin, Derek (15200352)10MAUSA1963
22Le, Harry (15415324)10NEUSA1959
23Kumar, Naman (14982397)10FLUSA1956
24Omprakash, Thoshan (15204438)10NJUSA1937
25Sethuraman, Sandeep (15472832)10AZUSA1926
26Justice, Drew (14561797)10GAUSA1913
27Shlionsky, Aryeh Leib (15018365)10NJUSA1910
28Selvam, Sanjay (15304133)10AZUSA1908
29Hua, Charles (14763433)10NYUSA1907
=29Shibata, Robert (14949456)10NYUSA1907
=29Zhao, Derek Chubo (15131158)10MAUSA1907
32Murgescu, Adi (14979367)10NYUSA1905
33Vanapalli, Vishnu (15013525)10NCUSA1894
34Pollard, Kaden (15179675)10NYUSA1892
35Bhavikatti, Neil (14919064)10COUSA1888
36Oh, James Youngji (15146868)10NYUSA1885
37Liang, Jason (16041488)10VAUSA1881
38Levine, Joseph (15694597)10WAUSA1871
39Vidyarthi, Vyom (15107740)10CAUSA1855
40Boldi, Ethan Vaughn (15088362)10CAUSA1852
41Wen, Tommy (15215658)10CAUSA1845
42Qiu, Ziyang (15172446)10NCUSA1833
43Gospodinov, Antony (14968016)10FLUSA1832
44Gokul, Anshul (14952162)10GAUSA1831
45Niu, Hongyi (14847342)10CAUSA1827
46Mahajan, Rushaan (15449416)10WAUSA1815
47Eswaran, Aksithi (14583755)10CAUSA1808
=47Kamath, Atul R (14664382)10CAUSA1808
49Zheng, Alan (14860211)10MIUSA1807
50Xie, David (15201438)10MAUSA1799
51Burton, Henry (14938916)10NYUSA1785
52Zeng, Elbert (15126321)10CAUSA1774
53Woo, Eric Andy (15384796)10CAUSA1769
54Vijayakumar, Advaith (15563114)10WAUSA1766
55Tu, Lewis (15454526)10MAUSA1763
56Friedlander, Justin (14748718)10AZUSA1744
57Archibald, John R (15110208)10MAUSA1740
58Kim, Dae San (15015721)10OHUSA1738
59Chen, Andrew B (14812021)10NCUSA1730
=59Welsh, Vinh (15486805)10TXUSA1730
61Xie, Brandon (14961610)10CAUSA1729
62Hood, Avery (14927310)10NYUSA1728
63Katsman, David (14958088)10MAUSA1727
64Jiang, Nicholas (15273385)10CAUSA1721
65Mishkin, Viktor (14960114)10CAUSA1720
66Nachiappan, Aghilan (15451731)10CAUSA1715
67Yuan, Edison Yi (15494606)10NYUSA1689
68Manahan, Raphael R (15136553)10CAUSA1684
69Dang, Nang T (15749892)10MAUSA1677
70Rodriguez, Alexander P (15157984)10TXUSA1663
71Kaplan, Avi Harrison (15263943)10ILUSA1662
72Baalla, Nura (15515138)10NYUSA1661
73Tan, Sean (15301038)10OHUSA1659
74Mundayat, Abinav Rajiv (15264747)10NJUSA1654
75Guo, Alex (14848606)10MIUSA1653
76Sairam, Pranav (15424820)10CAUSA1652
77Ahmed, Kabir (15189693)10TXUSA1650
78Pashkov, Rafael (15251590)10MAUSA1647
79Guha, Eshan (15473182)10NJUSA1644
80Silvers, Maxwell (15236483)10NYUSA1642
81Cheng, Emma (14989783)10OHUSA1636
82Mou, Arvin (15177883)10NYUSA1627
=82Zhou, Nolan Yeo (15607816)10CAUSA1627
84Mishra, Pranit (14993156)10GAUSA1625
85Lin, Daniel (15176393)10CAUSA1617
86Moon-Rosha, Uri (15197618)10MNUSA1614
=86Kempe, Alexander Kaixuan (15219123)10NYUSA1614
88Lerman, Matthew (14754995)10NJUSA1599
89O'Neill, John Kian (15030760)10NYUSA1594
90Yan, Max (14998016)10VAUSA1592
91Samant, Neil (15097282)10NJUSA1587
92Rempe, Jonas Jakob Raza (15043490)10AZUSA1586
93Chennuru, Anshu (15442104)10TXUSA1584
94Jiang, Brandon (15174987)10WAUSA1579
95Mutnuri, Krishna Saketh (15383635)10MAUSA1576
96Lee, Pippa Jinju Sohn (14746816)10NYUSA1570
=96Bhargav, Samarth (15397834)10VAUSA1570
98Khire, Ishan (15444865)10CAUSA1567
99Fan, Andrew (15162167)10PAUSA1566
100Qiao, Yilin (15756182)10NYUSA1562
These Top 100 lists are updated every month by the United States Chess Federation. As of the June 2014 list, ages will be as of the first day of the month in which those ratings become official. For example, ages for the December lists will be as of December 1. (For Top 100 lists prior to June 2014, ages are as of the first day of the previous month.)

Ratings shown are the official US Chess ratings for the month indicated, which are generated on the third Wednesday of the month before they become official. Only current US Chess members with established ratings and ratings activity in the last year are shown. Please contact us if you have questions about these lists.
